The World Your Children Will Live In

I remember when I was around 11, learning the piano.  My mother had arranged for classes after school, but I was not a good student.  I would walk slowly up the road, arrive 10 minutes late to an elderly teacher who had a habit of shutting her eyes during my …

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How should schools respond to conflicts?

The world is reacting to the war in Ukraine in an unprecedented manner.  Moral condemnation, political outrage and commercial isolation of Russia is overwhelming (though not yet unanimous; and there are disturbing questions to ask about why this conflict is being treated differently to, say, the conflicts in Yemen, South …

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School return: How safe is safe enough?

In this week of return to school after a week’s home-based learning, (HBL) we’ve had some really thoughtful and well-argued correspondence with families who hold diametrically opposed views to each other.  Some have felt that a second week was needed to further mitigate against potential asymptomatic folk returning from time …

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Why is it so hard to hire senior leaders?

We’ve been interviewing for several senior roles recently.  Of course, appointments are absolutely critical to any organisation, and the process holds up an interesting mirror if we care to look in it.  We ensure that there are interviews, tasks and written elements with several panels, groups and individuals, including students, …

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Teaching, Ed-Tech and Venture Capitalism

You will likely have read about the Theranos scandal which was all over the news a few months ago.  At the surface level, nothing greatly novel – an innovative start-up company (founded 2003) markets a new product which turns out to have been over-hyped; company goes bankrupt (2018).   So far, so …

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